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Tekst piosenki Billy Bragg And The Blokes Tłumaczenie Polski

Popularne utwory Billy Bragg And The Blokes

  1. Tekst Piosenki Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key
  2. Tekst Piosenki All You Fascists Bound To Lose
  3. Tekst Piosenki Never Cross A Picket Line
  4. Tekst Piosenki The World Turned Upside Down
  5. Tekst Piosenki She Smiled Sweetly

Albumy Billy Bragg And The Blokes

Shine A Light: Field Recordings From The Great American Railroad (2016)

Must I Paint You A Picture? The Essential Billy Bragg (2003)

  1. Tekst Piosenki A New England
  2. Tekst Piosenki The Man In The Iron Mask
  3. Tekst Piosenki The Milkman Of Human Kindness
  4. Tekst Piosenki To Have And To Have Not
  5. Tekst Piosenki A Lover Sings
  6. Tekst Piosenki St. Swithin's Day
  7. Tekst Piosenki The Saturday Boy
  8. Tekst Piosenki Between The Wars
  9. Tekst Piosenki The World Turned Upside Down
  10. Tekst Piosenki Levi Stubbs' Tears
  11. Tekst Piosenki Walk Away Renee
  12. Tekst Piosenki Greetings To The New Brunette
  13. Tekst Piosenki There Is Power In A Union
  14. Tekst Piosenki Help Save The Youth Of America
  15. Tekst Piosenki The Warmest Room
  16. Tekst Piosenki Must I Paint You A Picture?
  17. Tekst Piosenki She's Got A New Spell
  18. Tekst Piosenki The Price I Pay
  19. Tekst Piosenki Valentine's Day Is Over
  20. Tekst Piosenki Waiting For The Great Leap Forwards
  21. Tekst Piosenki Sexuality
  22. Tekst Piosenki Cindy Of A Thousand Lives
  23. Tekst Piosenki Moving The Goalposts
  24. Tekst Piosenki Tank Park Salute
  25. Tekst Piosenki You Woke Up My Neighbourhood
  26. Tekst Piosenki Accident Waiting To Happen
  27. Tekst Piosenki Sulk
  28. Tekst Piosenki Upfield
  29. Tekst Piosenki The Fourteenth Of February
  30. Tekst Piosenki Brickbat
  31. Tekst Piosenki The Space Race Is Over
  32. Tekst Piosenki The Boy Done Good
  33. Tekst Piosenki Ingrid Bergman
  34. Tekst Piosenki Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key
  35. Tekst Piosenki My Flying Saucer
  36. Tekst Piosenki All You Fascists Bound To Lose
  37. Tekst Piosenki NPWA
  38. Tekst Piosenki St. Monday
  39. Tekst Piosenki Some Days I See The Point
  40. Tekst Piosenki Take Down The Union Jack
  41. Tekst Piosenki A13 Trunk Road To The Sea
  42. Tekst Piosenki Fear Is A Man's Best Friend
  43. Tekst Piosenki Cold And Bitter Tears
  44. Tekst Piosenki 7 And 7 Is
  45. Tekst Piosenki When Will I See You Again?
  46. Tekst Piosenki Rule Nor Reason
  47. Tekst Piosenki Debris
  48. Tekst Piosenki Dry Bed (Solo Demo)
  49. Tekst Piosenki She Smiled Sweetly
  50. Tekst Piosenki Walk Away Renee (Version)

England, Half English (2002)

Reaching To The Converted (1999)

No Pop, No Style, Strictly Roots (1995)

Victim Of Geography (1993)

The Peel Sessions Album (1991)

Don't Try This At Home (1991)

The Internationale (1990)

Workers Playtime (1988)

Back To Basics (1987)

Talking With The Taxman About Poetry (1986)

Brewing Up With Billy Bragg (1984)

Life's A Riot With Spy Vs Spy (1983)

Other Songs

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