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Tekst piosenki Chris Thile Tłumaczenie Polski

Popularne utwory Chris Thile

  1. Tekst Piosenki You Deserve Flowers
  2. Tekst Piosenki Heart In A Cage
  3. Tekst Piosenki Mike Marshall & Chris Thile:The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers
  4. Tekst Piosenki Golden Pond
  5. Tekst Piosenki Ready For Anything

Albumy Chris Thile

Bass & Mandolin (2014)

Bach: Sonatas & Partitas - Vol. 1 (2013)

The Goat Rodeo Sessions (2011)

Sleep With One Eye Open (2011)

Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile (2008)

How To Grow A Woman From The Ground (2006)

Into The Cauldron (2003)

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