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Tekst piosenki John Williams Tłumaczenie Polski

Popularne utwory John Williams

  1. Tekst Piosenki Dry Your Tears, Afrika
  2. Tekst Piosenki Somewhere In My Memory
  3. Tekst Piosenki Duel Of The Fates
  4. Tekst Piosenki Duel Of The Fates (Dialogue Version)
  5. Tekst Piosenki Schindler's List Theme

Albumy John Williams

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge Of The Sith (2005)

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (2002)

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (2001)

The Ultimate Edition Star Wars The Phantom Menace (2000)

  1. Tekst Piosenki 20th Century Fox Fanfare
  2. Tekst Piosenki Star Wars Main Title
  3. Tekst Piosenki Boarding The Federation Battleship
  4. Tekst Piosenki Death Warrant For Qui-Gon And Obi-Wan
  5. Tekst Piosenki Fighting The Destroyer Droids
  6. Tekst Piosenki Queen Amidala Warns The Federation
  7. Tekst Piosenki The Droid Invasion
  8. Tekst Piosenki Swimming To Otoh Gunga
  9. Tekst Piosenki Inside The Bubble City
  10. Tekst Piosenki Attack Of The Giant Fish
  11. Tekst Piosenki Darth Sidious
  12. Tekst Piosenki The Giant Squid And The Attack On Theed
  13. Tekst Piosenki Qui-Gon And Obi-Wan Rescue The Queen
  14. Tekst Piosenki Fighting The Guards
  15. Tekst Piosenki Escape From Naboo
  16. Tekst Piosenki Enter Darth Maul
  17. Tekst Piosenki The Arrival At Tatooine
  18. Tekst Piosenki Street Band Of Mos Espa
  19. Tekst Piosenki Padme Meets Anakin
  20. Tekst Piosenki Desert Winds
  21. Tekst Piosenki Jar Jar's Run-In With Sebulba
  22. Tekst Piosenki Anakin's Home And The Introduction To Threepio
  23. Tekst Piosenki Darth Sidious And Darth Maul
  24. Tekst Piosenki Talk Of Podracing
  25. Tekst Piosenki Watto's Deal/Shmi And Qui-Gon Talk
  26. Tekst Piosenki Anakin, Podracer Mechanic
  27. Tekst Piosenki The Racer Roars To Life/Anakin's Midi-Chlorian Count
  28. Tekst Piosenki Darth Maul And The Sith Spacecraft
  29. Tekst Piosenki Mos Espa Arena Band
  30. Tekst Piosenki Watto's Roll Of The Die
  31. Tekst Piosenki The Flag Parade
  32. Tekst Piosenki Sebulba's Dirty Hand/Qui-Gon's Pep Talk
  33. Tekst Piosenki Anakin Defeats Sebulba
  34. Tekst Piosenki Hail To The Winner, Anakin Skywalker
  35. Tekst Piosenki The Street Singer
  36. Tekst Piosenki Anakin Is Free
  37. Tekst Piosenki Qui-Gon And Darth Maul Meet
  38. Tekst Piosenki Anakin And Group To Coruscant
  39. Tekst Piosenki The Queen And Palpatine
  40. Tekst Piosenki High Council Meeting
  41. Tekst Piosenki The Senate
  42. Tekst Piosenki Anakin's Test
  43. Tekst Piosenki Qui-Gon's Mission / Obi-Wan's Warning
  44. Tekst Piosenki Nute And Rune Confer With Darth Sidious
  45. Tekst Piosenki The Queen And Group Land On Naboo
  46. Tekst Piosenki Jar Jar Leads Group To The Gungans
  47. Tekst Piosenki War Plans
  48. Tekst Piosenki Darth Sidious Receives News Of The Gungan Army
  49. Tekst Piosenki The Gungans March
  50. Tekst Piosenki The Queen And Her Group Sneak Back To The Palace
  51. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Begins
  52. Tekst Piosenki The Republic Pilots Take Off Into Space
  53. Tekst Piosenki Activate The Droids
  54. Tekst Piosenki The Gungans Fight Back
  55. Tekst Piosenki The Duel Begins
  56. Tekst Piosenki Anakin Takes Off In Spaceship
  57. Tekst Piosenki The Duel Continues
  58. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Rages On
  59. Tekst Piosenki Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan And Darth Maul Continue Battle
  60. Tekst Piosenki Qui-Gon, Darth Maul And The Invisible Wall
  61. Tekst Piosenki The Gungans Retreat And The Queen Surrenders
  62. Tekst Piosenki The Death Of Qui-Gon And The Surrender Of The Gungans
  63. Tekst Piosenki The Tide Turns / The Death Of Darth Maul
  64. Tekst Piosenki The Queen Confronts Nute And Rune
  65. Tekst Piosenki The Funeral Of Qui-Gon
  66. Tekst Piosenki The Parade
  67. Tekst Piosenki End Credits
  68. Tekst Piosenki Duel Of The Fates (Dialogue Version)
  69. Tekst Piosenki 20th Century Fox Fanfare (Alfred Newman, 1954)
  70. Tekst Piosenki Watto's Deal / Shmi And Qui-Gon Talk
  71. Tekst Piosenki The Racer Roars To Life / Anakin's Midi-Chlorian Count
  72. Tekst Piosenki Sebulba's Dirty Hand / Qui-Gon's Pep Talk

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)

Great Composers John Williams (1999)

Star Wars: A New Hope (1997)

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1997)

Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi (1997)

  1. Tekst Piosenki 20th Century Fox Fanfare (Alfred Newman, 1954)
  2. Tekst Piosenki Main Title/Approaching The Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvous
  3. Tekst Piosenki The Droids Are Captured
  4. Tekst Piosenki Bounty For A Wookiee
  5. Tekst Piosenki Han Solo Returns
  6. Tekst Piosenki Luke Confronts Jabba/Den Of The Rancor/Sarlacc Sentence
  7. Tekst Piosenki The Pit Of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assault
  8. Tekst Piosenki The Emperor Arrives/The Death Of Yoda/Obi-Wan's Revelation
  9. Tekst Piosenki Alliance Assembly
  10. Tekst Piosenki Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor
  11. Tekst Piosenki Speeder Bike Chase/Land Of The Ewoks
  12. Tekst Piosenki The Levitation/Threepio's Bedtime Story
  13. Tekst Piosenki Source Music: Jabba's Baroque Recital
  14. Tekst Piosenki Jedi Rocks
  15. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track: Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)
  16. Tekst Piosenki Parade Of The Ewoks
  17. Tekst Piosenki Luke And Leia
  18. Tekst Piosenki Brother And Sister/Father And Son/The Fleet Enters Hyperspace/Heroic Ewok
  19. Tekst Piosenki Emperor's Throne Room
  20. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor I (Into The Trap/Forest Ambush/Scout Walker Scramble/Prime Weapon Fires)
  21. Tekst Piosenki The Lightsaber/The Ewok Battle
  22. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  23. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor III (Superstructure Chase/Darth Vader's Death/The Main Reactor)
  24. Tekst Piosenki Leia's News/Light Of The Force
  25. Tekst Piosenki Victory Celebration/End Title
  26. Tekst Piosenki Source Music: Ewok Feast/Part Of The Tribe
  27. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track: The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)
  28. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  29. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  30. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  31. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  32. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  33. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  34. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  35. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  36. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  37. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  38. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  39. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  42. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  93. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  94. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon

Return Of The Jedi Special Edition (1997)

  1. Tekst Piosenki 20th Century Fox Fanfare
  2. Tekst Piosenki Main Title/Approaching The Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvous
  3. Tekst Piosenki The Droids Are Captured
  4. Tekst Piosenki Bounty For A Wookiee
  5. Tekst Piosenki Han Solo Returns
  6. Tekst Piosenki Luke Confronts Jabba/Den Of The Rancor/Sarlacc Sentence
  7. Tekst Piosenki The Pit Of Carkoon/Sail Barge Assault
  8. Tekst Piosenki The Emperor Arrives/The Death Of Yoda/Obi-Wan's Revelation
  9. Tekst Piosenki Alliance Assembly
  10. Tekst Piosenki Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor
  11. Tekst Piosenki Speeder Bike Chase/Land Of The Ewoks
  12. Tekst Piosenki The Levitation/Threepio's Bedtime Story
  13. Tekst Piosenki Source Music - Jabba's Baroque Recital
  14. Tekst Piosenki Jedi Rocks
  15. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track - Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)
  16. Tekst Piosenki Parade Of The Ewoks
  17. Tekst Piosenki Luke And Leia
  18. Tekst Piosenki Brother And Sister/Father And Son/The Fleet Enters Hyperspace
  19. Tekst Piosenki Emperor's Throne Room
  20. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor I (Into The Trap/Forest Ambush/Scout Walker Scramble/Prime Weapon Fires)
  21. Tekst Piosenki The Lightsaber/The Ewok Battle
  22. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  23. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor III (Superstructure Chase/Darth Vader's Death/The Main Reactor)
  24. Tekst Piosenki Leia's News/Light Of The Force
  25. Tekst Piosenki Victory Celebration/End Title
  26. Tekst Piosenki Source Music - Ewok Feast/Part Of The Tribe
  27. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track - The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)
  28. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  29. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  33. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  34. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  35. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  36. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  37. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  39. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  40. Tekst Piosenki 20th Century Fox Fanfare (Alfred Newman, 1954)
  41. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  42. Tekst Piosenki Source Music: Jabba's Baroque Recital
  43. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track: Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)
  44. Tekst Piosenki Brother And Sister/Father And Son/The Fleet Enters Hyperspace/Heroic Ewok
  45. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  46. Tekst Piosenki Source Music: Ewok Feast/Part Of The Tribe
  47. Tekst Piosenki Archival Bonus Track: The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)
  48. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  49. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  63. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  65. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  67. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  69. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  70. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  71. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  72. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  73. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  74. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  75. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  76. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  77. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  78. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  79. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  81. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  82. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  83. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  84. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  91. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  92. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  93. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  95. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  97. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  98. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  99. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  108. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  116. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  117. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  118. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
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  120. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  121. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  122. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  123. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  124. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  125. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  126. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  127. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  128. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  129. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  130. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  131. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  132. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  133. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  134. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  135. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon
  136. Tekst Piosenki The Battle Of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded - The Duel Begins/Overtaking The Bunker/The Dark Side Beckon

The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition (1997)

Star Wars A New Hope Special Edition (1997)

Sabrina (1995)

  1. Tekst Piosenki Theme From Sabrina
  2. Tekst Piosenki Sting:Moonlight
  3. Tekst Piosenki Linus' New Life
  4. Tekst Piosenki Growing Up In Paris
  5. Tekst Piosenki (In The) Moonlight
  6. Tekst Piosenki Sabrina Remembers / La Vie En Rose
  7. Tekst Piosenki Sabrina Comes Home
  8. Tekst Piosenki Nantucket Visit
  9. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  10. Tekst Piosenki Sabrina And Linus Date
  11. Tekst Piosenki Michael Dees:How Can I Remember?
  12. Tekst Piosenki Sabrina's Return To Paris
  13. Tekst Piosenki Theme From Sabrina (Reprise)
  14. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  15. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  16. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  17. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  18. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  19. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  20. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  21. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  22. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  23. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  24. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  25. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  26. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  27. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  28. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  29. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  30. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  31. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  32. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  33. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  34. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  35. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  36. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  37. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  38. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  39. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  40. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  41. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  42. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  43. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  44. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  45. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  46. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  47. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  48. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  49. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  50. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  51. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  52. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  53. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  54. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  55. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  56. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  57. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  58. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  59. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  60. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  61. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  62. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  63. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  64. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  65. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  66. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  67. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  68. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  69. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  70. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  71. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  72. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  73. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  74. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  75. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  76. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  77. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  78. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  79. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  80. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  81. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  82. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  83. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  84. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  85. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  86. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  87. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  88. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  89. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  90. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  91. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  92. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  93. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  94. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  95. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  96. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  97. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  98. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  99. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  100. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  101. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  102. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  103. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  104. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  105. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  106. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  107. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  108. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  109. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  110. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  111. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  112. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  113. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  114. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  115. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  116. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  117. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  118. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  119. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  120. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  121. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  122. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  123. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  124. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  125. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  126. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  127. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  128. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  129. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  130. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  131. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  132. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella
  133. Tekst Piosenki The Party Sequence: When Jonna Loved Me / The Shadow Of Your Smile / Call Me Irresponsible / Stella

Schindler's List (1993)

Home Alone 2 Lost In New York (1992)

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (1989)

[[Home Alone (1990)|Home Alone (1990)]]

Other Songs

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