Popularne utwory The Floaters
- Tekst Piosenki Float On
- Tekst Piosenki Everything Happens For A Reason
- Tekst Piosenki You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- Tekst Piosenki I Am So Glad I Took My Time
- Tekst Piosenki No Stronger Love
Albumy The Floaters
The Floaters (1977)
- Tekst Piosenki Float On
- Tekst Piosenki You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- Tekst Piosenki Got To Find A Way
- Tekst Piosenki I Bet You Get The One You Love
- Tekst Piosenki Everything Happens For A Reason
- Tekst Piosenki Take One Step At A Time
- Tekst Piosenki No Stronger Love
- Tekst Piosenki I Am So Glad I Took My Time
Floaters (1977)
- Tekst Piosenki Float On
- Tekst Piosenki You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- Tekst Piosenki Got To Find A Way
- Tekst Piosenki I Bet You Get The One You Love
- Tekst Piosenki Everything Happens For A Reason
- Tekst Piosenki Take One Step At A Time
- Tekst Piosenki No Stronger Love
- Tekst Piosenki I Am So Glad I Took My Time