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Tekst piosenki Virgin Steele Tłumaczenie Polski

Popularne utwory Virgin Steele

  1. Tekst Piosenki Victory Is Mine
  2. Tekst Piosenki A Cry In The Night
  3. Tekst Piosenki Love Is Pain
  4. Tekst Piosenki Invictus
  5. Tekst Piosenki God Above God

Albumy Virgin Steele

Nocturnes Of Hellfire & Damnation (2015)

The Black Light Bacchanalia (2010)

Hymns To Victory (2002)

The Book Of Burning (2002)

The House Of Atreus: Act II (2000)

The House Of Atreus: Act I (1999)

Invictus (1998)

The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell (Part One) (1994)

Life Among The Ruins (1993)

Age Of Consent (1988)

Noble Savage (1986)

Guardians Of The Flame (1983)

Other Songs

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